Thursday, October 2, 2008

Last Night Went Well!

So, the kids started getting cranky around 4ish. I got a lot done and didn't hit the "frustration overload" point I usually do. It was Pete's turn for bathtime, so I worked on the necessary paperwork more. Bedtime went really well! We played a bit, then told them it was soon time for sleep. Sophie fell asleep really quickly. Once again, Liam didn't want to sleep. We called our Russian friends and had them talk to him, but to no avail. Marina suggested we just let Liam run around and tire himself out. So, we took him downstairs with us. He played quietly, and would sometimes curl up with me. We told it was time to go to bed, and he willingly went. Pete took him upstairs, Liam got in bed and said, "paka Papa." He went to sleep willingly, playing with his cars. I think they needed the exercise, and I think Liam needs time with Mama and Papa sans his sister.

Wish us luck for today!

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