Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wednesday's a Better Day

Things aren't easy here, and we have our ups and downs. We're still trying to get ourselves into a good routine. One good thing, once the kids are asleep, they stay asleep. I've been able to sleep until 9am, which I've needed, as you'll see.
I'm going to be honest here. Every day, I wake, feeling refreshed. By about 3 or 4 PM, I'm totally frustrated. I think today will be better though! The last two days we've haven't been outside. I took them to the park by myself for the first time today and it went well. We played, and they terrorized the geese. They ran quite a bit, which is good for everyone in the house. I then drove around for 45 minutes while my mom made lunch. Sophie fell asleep in the car and Liam calmed down. They're upstairs playing with my mom right now. Thus, I am photocopying documents for our consulate registration and updating the blog. Ahhh.....bliss! I feel so behind on everything.
Mama is getting the brunt of violence around here. In the last week, Sophie has thrown two different things at my head. The first time was a Winnie the Pooh phone, which was fairly heavy. It hit me in the mouth and gave me a fat lip, bruises and a cut lip. Last night, she threw a hard plastic bath toy at my head and hit me. They both throw a lot, but its honestly not usually heavyish things at our bodies. Liam rages most nights at bedtimes, and its both scary and very upsetting. Last night he bit me four times. You never want to see anything like this in a child, because its really looks like the child in The Omen. We're still trying to figure out how to help/rectify/handle this. I have faith we will get there...we have to.
I've started making things from my sneaky chef cookbook. So far I've made Guerilla Grilled Cheese- not such a hit, Unbelievable Chocolate Chip Cookies- a hit, "Saucy" Meat Sauce- not such a hit with the kids and the French Toast recipe, which was also a hit. I have loads of purees I need to make, and my food processer is getting a workout!
I'm posting pics finally!
Nakey babies who didn't want to put clothes on
We see this often, usually accompanied by the word "Dyee", meaning "gimme" in Russian.
Liam the day we picked him up at the orphanage. Snazzy undershirt!
Both kids in the apartment in Moscow.

6 comments: said...

They are adorable!!! Thank you for the pictures and the update. Hang in there---you can do it, Mom!!!


Unknown said...

thnx for all the updates. i love reading about what's going on with your family. don't worry too much...routines take time. after 2 years with lucas, we're STILL trying to get our routine down.

Unknown said...

J they are so darling. Routines are hard but so worth it! I am so happy for you and your family; I know the wait was long & hard for you. I will have to look up that cook book.

Amy...who wanted 4. said...

I hear ya.
The first several months Caroline was home is a blur.
I was so overwhelmed and stressed; I started to feel depressed. It is HARD.
The good news is it get's better. The adjustment phase is just very stressful.
Hang in there.

Sandra said...

Hey there ~
They are cuties!!!! Thanks for the update on how you and they are doing. The routines and asjustments are going to take time. Things didn't get like this over night, nor will they be angels over night.....but I am SURE things will get better.
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers (and I will say an extra one for patience for you Jena). :)
Hope that the weekend is a good one for you is supposed to be cool and PERFECT outside for kids weather. :)
Take care and let me know if you need anything ~

Unknown said...

hey lady. Happy to hear about the refreshing morning wake up's. adorable kids in the pics, though at night I'm sure you're feeling that they're not so adorable. I hope things settle down soon.

p.s. I can photo shop that plastic cup out of that cute shot of Sophie for you. email the full sized image to

p.s.s. yes, running free in the park till they drop is a very good thing :)