Saturday, December 8, 2007

Practice Run

Pete and I watched my friends' two little ones tonight. We watch them every month for an evening. Tonight's "practice run" was the most difficult thus far. The little ones are 15 months old (B)and 4 months old (R). B is my godson and both kids are very sweet. B is now at the point where he's very mobile and responds to a lot of things by crying (like being put in the pack n' play when he doesn't want to be in it, not letting him get into drawers, etc). B has a disease called Tuberous Sclerosis, and has infantile spasms (seizures) as a result. He didn't have them for several months due to his medication, but he has started having them again in the last month. He's the cutest little guy. R is fairly easy to watch because she's not mobile. She's gotten very interactive- smiling, cooing and laughing. B cried a lot more that I was used to tonight and it had me worried, but I now know that this is just his age generally. Pete and I both worn out now....Pete's secluded himself in the basement to listen to the Mayweather - Hatton fight on the internet. I'm going to read or just fall asleep.

Tomorrow we go to a local Russian restaurant called The Fiddler with my tutor and her fiance for lunch!

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