Monday, July 7, 2008

Lists, Lists and Gifts

I spent a good part of yesterday bargain shopping. My best bargain- $100 worth of merchandise for $39 at CVS. Yes! Anyway, I stocked up on stuff for us (boring) and loads of cosmetics that will be gifts for the caregivers on trip 2. I also got gerber puffs for our trip to give to the kids. Fun!

I made lists in prep of our trip- a prep list and a packing list. And then it dawned on me...we have a lot to do!! argh!!!


Amy said...

Hey Jena! I struck it rich at Ulta - I was passing the one in Chesterfield Twnship on the way home from the IKEA down by you last week -- but there's got to be one near you I would think. I used their "bargin" table - for clearance stuff - dirt cheap!

Kevin and Tammy said...

I need to get those gifts done also. You have given me some good ideas. Thanks for the thoughts.