Thursday, July 10, 2008

Not Much New

I had an indulgent "love it" sized ice cream from Coldstone last night with Pete. My favorite combo is cake batter ice cream with graham cracker pie crust, pecans and brownies in a waffle bowl. I LOVES IT.

I got more items from our prep list done, and a lot of the items on our packing list assembled. We have queen sized bed in the kids' room that will stay there until the onslaught of visitors when we first get home is gone. That bed is the "packing zone". Everything we need to pack is on that bed. We probably have about 80% of the items on our prep and packing lists done. Pete made little wallet sized Ruble conversion cheat sheets. They're even laminated! I personally like to be in the dark about how much in dollars I'm spending in a foreign currency! Alas, Pete is being practical again.

So, I have two more days of work to get through.

The numbers:

50 Number of hours until we start our journey to Russia
132 Approximate number of hours until we meet our kids

Now, I need to try to get some work done.


lrwenger said...

Coldstone sounds yummy - my fav is cake batter, brownies and carmel! We'll have to share one in celebration when the kids come home!
:) L

3NuttyKidz said...

Coldstone, yum....

Not much longer, I'm so excited!!!! Can't wait to see newer pics of the kiddos :)
